
In the dynamic world of field operations, there's often no room for error. Especially in tasks that seem seemingly simple but, if misperformed, can result in devastating consequences. LYNKUP, with its innovative technology, steps in precisely at this junction, preventing losses, enhancing training, ensuring quality and efficiency. Here's a real-life incident where LYNKUP proved its worth.

The Company & The Challenge

A technician was on a critical assignment, diagnosing a commercial chiller. Chillers are complex machines, and any misstep could lead to costly mistakes. With experience and expertise, the technician was in a vulnerable position. The task at hand: replace a head pressure switch. Sounds simple, right?

The Situation

Guided by a senior technician via LYNKUP, the technician was about to initiate the process. However, he overlooked a crucial detail: the service port was made of brittle copper and bronze. The technician began working on the pressure switch, oblivious to the fact that if he applied too much torque without holding the service port, the service port would snap off. This would release all the refrigerant (R-22) into the air,  a whopping value of $52,000.

LYNKUP To The Rescue

If this were a traditional voice or video call like FaceTime, the technician would have placed his phone down after receiving the instruction, leaving the senior technician blind to his actions. But with LYNKUP, things were different.

The senior technician was observing in real-time. He saw the potential error unfold and was quick to intervene. Through LYNKUP, the senior tech instructed the technician to hold the service port with a second wrench, preventing a catastrophic mistake.


LYNKUP not only saved the company $52,000 on that fateful day but also demonstrated its unparalleled advantage over traditional methods. This incident paid for the LYNKUP unit's service for an astonishing 29 years (or 348 months).

In a profession where even the simplest instructions can be misinterpreted, leading to hefty financial losses, LYNKUP stands as a guardian, ensuring that field technicians always have an experienced pair of eyes watching, guiding, and correcting their actions in real time.